Undesignated blood practically grows on trees, so it’s not like it was a huge sacrifice. Hell, if you sent a baby sailor one compartment over, he would somehow end up in medical with a nose bleed.
Undesignated blood practically grows on trees, so it’s not like it was a huge sacrifice. Hell, if you sent a baby sailor one compartment over, he would somehow end up in medical with a nose bleed.
Rail guns were supposed to be the brrrrt but now it’s hypersonic missiles?
Totally a missed opportunity for ultrasonics, if you ask me.
Zumwalts are the special little children of the fleet, unfortunately. The hypersonic missiles are probably going to get put on hold for phasers or disruptors or something. Each of the crew is issued a bat’leth, so that is cool.
As others have stated: https://riscv.org/about/
Now, there would still be a metric fuck ton of money involved. Chip fabs aren’t cheap, engineers aren’t cheap and project management isn’t cheap.
The open architecture means there is already a framework and R&D costs will also be limited. And yeah, no licensing fees like we already covered.
Without diving deep into RISC V, just because there is an open architecture doesn’t mean that there are machines capable of manufacturing whatever specs are required. Licensing fees for machining could be pure insanity.
Still, a few million (or billion?) is normal when it comes to making this stuff.
Yes, but you get used to it. It’s a typical feeling for the first few years if it’s your first house.
Learn to repair things properly and that will reduce a ton of stress. You will also learn what things can be put off and what needs to be done immediately.
Over the years, I have learned how to do just about every kind of home repair or update. Its been rewarding, actually.