Oh hey, I got her today as well! I guess she’s expanding the reach
Cis white bisexual guy from Ukraine. That should about cover it.
Oh hey, I got her today as well! I guess she’s expanding the reach
My grandma once told me about a budgie they had back before I was born. It apparently was actively trolling them by mimicking sounds of their doorbell and landline phone.
Don’t make a mistake, they know perfectly fine which sounds grab our attention and they will abuse this knowledge.
Hah, It’s 10 AM here and I have nothing better to do anyway.
But yeah, that was the point of my original comment - birds definitely aren’t a pet for everyone, and it’s okay to acknowledge that!
I do like cats too, though, give yours some pats (or whatever their preferred gesture of affection is) from me.
Thanks for sharing the story! Birds do have a decently sharp sense of smell, despite a widespread factoid of the opposite - plus, the shape of a cat carrier might have been too unfamiliar to it. Parrots are usually very suspicious about anything unfamiliar (new food, toy, etc), but I’m guessing it was also exhausted from being lost outdoors (if it was a pet) so a new bird cage was close enough for it.
Every parrot has a personality, that’s for sure! You’re a kind person for having helped that bird, I hope that good deed came back (or will come back) to you
Considering this is US, at least they’re not using football fields
I’ve stopped adding sauce to my McDonald’s and KFC orders after my friend showed me a bottled sauce brand that is literally made by the same manufacturer, tastes the same and can be bought in any supermarket in Ukraine for much lower price per serving.
Surely if you want to save up on sauce, you can do some research and find the brand that fits the taste.
If you want the same thing but for the remainder of your life, get a bird. Parrots are basically flying mischievous toddlers with beam cutters on their faces that never grow out of the toddler mentality.
If you actually want to get a bird as a pet, please do your research. They’re smart, loud, social and high maintenance, and you need to be there for them basically all the time. Also, adopt, don’t buy!
To quote the man himself, “such a waste of good suffering”
I mean, you can choose any denominator, as long as you’re using the same one to compare statistics
When you’re white hat, but you feel a little silly sometimes
Absorbing heat from hapless critters that happen to brush a banana leaf to g r o w