Well Belgium obviously developed their system for it from the ground up, while the rest of us are stuck with bad design decisions that result in the clogs.
Well Belgium obviously developed their system for it from the ground up, while the rest of us are stuck with bad design decisions that result in the clogs.
I’ve never met a sentient piece of cheese, how smart are they?
What are you going to train it off of since basic algorithms aren’t sufficient? Past committee decisions? If that’s the case you’re hard coding whatever human bias you’re supposedly trying to eliminate. A useless exercise.
This is the source that’s causing it. I think it’s because Google is giving it high authority because it’s coming from an edu domain: https://umsu.unimelb.edu.au/news/article/7797/2018-03-13-for-against-wafflestomping/#%3A~%3Atext=The+wafflestomp+derives+its+name+from+the%2Cdouche+as+the+French+affectionately+call+it.
What I want to know is what the Dutch are doing exactly with their stroopwafel stomps.
Oh I didn’t make this, this is a direct screenshot.
Belgians have been waffle stomping for a long time.
Untrue. Reddit employees doing what their bosses tell them to are justifiably afraid of the blowback. Reminds me of the directive to not wear Reddit branding with the 3rd party app thing These folks don’t want targets on their back.
And we do that with basic algorithms informed by research. But then the score gets tied and we have to decide who has the greatest chance of following though on their regimen based on things like past history and means to aquire the medication/go to the appointments/follow a diet/not drink. An AI model will optimize that based on wild demographic data that is correlative without being causative and end up just being a black box racist in a way that a committee that has to clarify it’s thinking to other members couldn’t, you watch.