Studies have also shown that doctors using AI don’t do better than just doctors but AI on its own does. Although, that one is attributed to the doctors not knowing how to use chatgpt.
All pronouns
Studies have also shown that doctors using AI don’t do better than just doctors but AI on its own does. Although, that one is attributed to the doctors not knowing how to use chatgpt.
Hasn’t it been demonstrated that AI is better than doctors at medical diagnostics and we don’t use it only because hospitals would have to take the blame if AI fucks up but they can just fire a doctor that fucks up?
Do you put butterflies on your toast?
I hate how every article written about it seemed hell bent into trying to make it look like it was some random weeb who channeled his love for anime to come up with a proof when most people in that thread were mathematicians who knew exactly what they were trying to prove. The board is literally called Science & Math. Fucking journalists, man.
So you’re that one guy that shows up out of nowhere and starts seeding when I’ve given up on a torrent. You’re doing God’s work.