Blocked from posting on lopsided posts. The system wants to demonize half the population and infantilize the other. I’ll post when it draws a crowd. Why waste the forums I’m not blocked from. Uncomfortable truths are free.

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2024

  • While this is hilarious, likely because it’s true. Dudes going after SSRI’s. SSRI’s saved my life. AND after using them for years I simply slowly reduced my dosage over about a month and I was off them and now only use them as an emergency pill if something really stressful or bad happens it keeps me from getting too emotionally raw and ragged. I have a supply to likely last me years so this doesn’t impact me. It worries me for the people the SSRI’s could help, but he wants to keep the drugs a way from.

  • There is groups of people that will out right ruin your life because they believe it somehow improves their own. But they are statistically a very small portion of the population. So long as you avoid the " energy vampires" and stick to the Normie’s, you are likely fine to go out and make friends just; shower, manscape/ladyscape, be friendly, and people will likely respond to you positively. However; if you are out being curteous, friendly, generally positive, and people are reacting negatively, congrats you found energy vampires. If it keeps happening you are being hunted by energy vampires. If it only happens around certain friends, those friends at best are energy vampire familiars and they are dragging you to be fed on. Be aware, and always keep in mind nothing is stopping you from leaving. I’ve known more than a handful of people including myself that decided it was better and safer to just walk 20-30miles in the middle of the night rather than enduring the people they were with. It may not be fun to do all that walking, but spending energy on a easy exercise like walking is better than spending emotional energy on people that just want to hurt you to get a buzz.