Man, I want to be at that shareholder meeting; “how about we just don’t have a CEO and pocket the savings?”
Shitposter while I tend to two babies. Maybe when I have my life back, I’ll help us get a few more niche communities back?
Man, I want to be at that shareholder meeting; “how about we just don’t have a CEO and pocket the savings?”
Yup, or if they’re covering up hardware deficiency, like Nintendo sometimes does. And even then, they generally prefer to just make everything a little fuzzy, like BotW.
I mean, it works in… hmmm… RPGs, maybe?
When I was a kid there was an effect in FF8 where the background blurred out in Balamb Garden and it made the place feel bigger. A 2D painted background blur, haha.
Then someone was like, let’s do that in the twenty-first century and ruined everything. When you’ve got draw distance, why blur?
Plus Bowser actually looks good topless.
The best part is scrolling my feed for that unexpected conclusion.
Didn’t realize don’t know was an answer. I feel like that’s a solid answer if you figure there’s a chance of an error or something. I wouldn’t put it since I don’t play, though.
Any loophole where you can make Jesus super fucking sexy so both you and your grandma can be happy with the wall candy?
We already have our local celebrities, anyway. And what good does it do them? Beans.
It’s really something how when you lose one sense, the other ones make up for it. Blinddeaf folks drive by smell alone, main reason EVs have that added scent since they lack the same smell as gas vehicles.
Might I suggest a second good reason for South American countries— when nuclear war hits the US, and it will, the southern hemisphere has a shot of surviving a nuclear winter. Billions will die but mostly in the northern hemisphere, even after accounting for fallout spread.
I’m not actually sure, but the milk I buy isn’t and most milk I’ve seen doesn’t seem to be given they expire in days so I’m guessing not. Nutritionally, it doesn’t matter but it does impact the taste at the cost of lasting a long time and I have tasted bad milk before from the big box stores.
As someone who was in a supportive relationship with a transgender person for 3 years and who personally struggles associating with my own gender (masculinity was never my thing lol), I never really got into the stating my gender pronouns.
I get why it’s done for the times it matters and can do so in a sensitive space, but I get the sense it’s usually done as public compliance (like a cis neolib as an email sig), which can lead to shallow support or worse, resentment. What we ultimately need is more genuine contact with people different from ourselves because that helps reduce “othering” a group.
Oh, but I do tend to default to “they” out of old internet habits. Always disliked the assumption all gamers are men.
Oh, the stress? I remind myself that renters in my area are now paying twice what my mortgage is, and I bought just three years ago. It’s a quick boost, and believe me, I’ve got at least a dozen fixes myself to do that I don’t have the energy or money for.
If that’s not enough, take a few weekends to at least hit what you can. Make a list and tackle things slowly as to not get overwhelmed. One by one, step by step.
For example, I used a week break to paint the kids room and it feels like a brand new home, even patching cracks and dealing with water damaged ceiling drywall (was minor, and the roofing was already fixed before I moved in). The rest of the house needs it, but it still made me feel like I did something.