as funny as it may sound, your reply alone helps us all.
as funny as it may sound, your reply alone helps us all.
yeah, i’m learning a lot tonight about how special Americans think they are.
to me, it’s one of those by-products of legalization that led to a quality of life improvement for us hoser ents.
Why isn’t MSNBC on the vigil? Why isn’t CNN on the offensive? Why did the WP sell out its editorial column?
You don’t even know how bad it is, because the commercial entities that the US has entrusted with their information are now looking out for themselves.
THERE’S A REASON THAT THE PRESS IS THE FOURTH COLUMN. and we get to see why in the worst way.
God bless the dexterous
It’s just a matter of time. Digg will rise again. Digg will fail. Lemmy shall rise.
But - as someone who was on reddit back in the oughts, you should appreciate the fuck out of this community while it lasts. Something will inevitably fuck it all up, and we’ll all have to move on again.
I’ll try better to post more constructive stuff. But I’m usually just a quips guy. We need all your help!
i think you’ve got to consider the audience. roughly 1 in 5 americans are ILLITERATE. about 1 in 2 americans read at a 6th grade level. it’s easier to manipulate these people than a bunch of preschool kids.
Thanks - I’m still trying to figure out what it all means
Thanks for that reply. I don’t have anything to add, just appreciate that.
You must have passed on the roach then :P
I really, really, really hope that one day your country - whichever it is but i can assume - finally legalizes it federally. i can’t imagine what kind of fucked up legal shit yall have to deal with these days. Here in Canada, it’s now being seen as one of the best things our government has done recently.
it’s also why it’s changing now! i don’t know about the US, but here in Canada we sell a lot of pre-rolls. They tend to have longer (paper) filters, and they’re easier to hold like one would a cigarette. most people i see here smoke joints like they would a cigarette now. still looks kinda dainty, though :P
i had a day like that today. thanks, i’ve already made this my wallpaper.
This was my last one:
I know this move isn’t made in good faith. But what if it was?
It would mean that ALL “Americans” would need to go back to the place they came from, by their definition.
Birthright citizenship in the U.S. means that anyone born on American soil automatically becomes a citizen, regardless of their parents’ immigration status. This principle is established by the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution, which was adopted in 1868.
EDIT - I just noticed it was adopted in 1868. This didn’t have to do with trying to revoke the former slaves’ citizenship, did it?
eltoos up! i’m still figuring all this shit out
oh, there aren’t ninja edits here. so, edited to add the “i’m still…” part
and that part
and this part