Custom ROM - crDroid 11
Just another Reddit refugee
Custom ROM - crDroid 11
I’m not a Physicist but since they have the same momentum, the marble will have a higher velocity. Let us assume the bowling ball weighs 6000 gm and the marble weighs 20 gm (average weight), the velocity ratio of the marble to bowling ball is 300:1 (300 times faster).
If we assume that both of them are made of the same material, and you throw the bowling ball at 1 m/s, then the marble is launched at nearly Mach 1. I’m pretty sure it will create a neat hole in the bowling ball.
I could be very wrong as well.
My man! 🤝
You’ll die of 3st
but them all collaborating on a common base project from which they each can still produce their own spin
This is viable because this has already happened in gaming.
Lutris, Heroic, Bottles use this in their backend.