I’m struggling to believe these articles are anything but pandering to the left.
There’s not exactly any good news to go around, so chuckling at the misfortunes of others is all we have. I’m very aware I’m on the same sinking ship. My only hope is to stay alive while this happens and hopefully still be on board when the holes are patched.
I’m sorry, if you’re a low information voter in the information age, you are getting what you deserve. How many of these people share links on Facebook with memes that can be disproven with a 5 minute visit to the library? This is the “science is fake” crowd I’m talking about. They are constantly surrounded by information and turn up their nose at it. They are proud to be ignorant. Well, there’s a real cost to being ignorant, and that cost is being swindled by con-men. The very same con-men will blame things on Biden, and I’m sure not 100% of the voters will wake up, but they didn’t want to listen before and they made this bed. Now we ALL have to lie in it.