So like the umbra has a “bright” edge compared to its center?
I think that was my mistake, I was thinking of the transition between the penumbra and umbra had a straigt edge when viewed from earth.
So like the umbra has a “bright” edge compared to its center?
I think that was my mistake, I was thinking of the transition between the penumbra and umbra had a straigt edge when viewed from earth.
I knew about what causses the moon to appear red but I never really thought about sunsets/rises beyond “its the atmosphere refracting light”. That was a very nice explanation about them. Thanks.
I think it does. Thanks.
So in other words; That side of the moon is closer to the edge of earths shadow. Correct?
I get that, but if the moon is completely behind the umbra of earths shadow why is that it looks brighter on one side/edge?
Not my pictures btw. I took them from r/astrophotography
Sorry, thats not my question. I misstyped solar instead of lunar so I take the blame.
But I agree that its quite amazing how perspective wroks between the sun, earth, and the moon. Earth is also the right size tho block out the sun the same way when viewed from the moon. Would be hard to believe if we werent experiencing it tbh.
Got it, thats very interesting. I already understood the redness of the shadow but had no idea how much more complex it is and that picture of earth eclipsing the sun makes it way more clearer.
Thank you very much, I would upvote you 10 times if I could.