I just started a new job where I have to ssh into a remote linux vm to work on a qt driven c++ project. I don’t really have a lot of leeway on what can be added to the remote environment, and I don’t think local development is possible. The vm has vim and qtcreator.

I’m from a Java background and I’m learning c++ for this role, while I’m comfortable in vim, I’d really like to have a tool that can give me autocomplete, jump to definition and linting. I know these things can be set up in neovim, but I asked about having that put on the box and was not given a good reaction.

I also know tools like vscode and possibly clion can be set up to do remote work via ssh. Does anyone have experience with this and suggestion on a good setup?

  • rollmagma@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    Well, OP mentions he cannot install software on the machine, so I think that already blocks anything depending on lsp.

    My experience is mostly from doing linux kernel programming on remote baremetal machines. I use ccls + eglot locally and have fiddled a lot with tramp, which is really good when it does work, but also tends to trip over bad connections.

    I’ve also wrote all sorts of elisp hacks to be able to access the remote machine via tramp but have all code navigation commands apply to a local repository replica where the lsp server runs. My use case was similar to OP but the machines were not x86_64, so there wasn’t even any lsp ported.

    So yeah, my gut feeling having dealt with similar issues is that it’s not worth it, YMMV.