If Trump backs down on the tariffs, Canada should only back down halfway. Make it clear there are permanent consequences every time he fucks with the world economy on a whim.
If we’re truly a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” then we did it to ourselves.
If we’re not that then we should “dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another”
Komrad! Is that you?
Thank you for suggesting the dismantling of the US. This us a great suggestion!!1!
Good thing Trump has 100% support in the US, and he didn’t fall short of 50% of the vote!
Pretty much, yeah. Republicans are malignant tumors.
It’s not about republicans, democrats, left or right anymore. It’s all Americans. As a Canadian I don’t see the difference anymore, your entire country is now an enemy
As another Canadian, I’d like to say that this dude does not speak for us all. We understand the cancer you’re dealing with. Our tumors are smaller and less likely to metastasize but they are still there festering trying to eat their way to the surface.
We’re a different kind of Canadian, i mean i hate the Canadian government too but I’m of native blood so nothing you guys say is gonna make me see Americans as a whole favourably, you may say “don’t generalize” but we all do it, including you