A heartbreaking parting shot of Ahmad Jazar, taken the day before he was killed. His mother’s hand is on his shoulder, as if she is about to hug him; they both smile slightly as they look straight into the camera. The photo was taken by Ahmad’s older sister, Mira, an interior design student of 19, in Nablus, when Ahmad was visiting his mother. Ahmad had asked his sister to take their picture. No one imagined that it would be his last.
The next day, January 19, Ahmad was shot by an Israel Defense Forces soldier from a distance of a few dozen meters, in his hometown of Sebastia, in the northern West Bank. At the time, he was standing near the entrance to a kindergarten run by the international Save the Children organization. Images of cheerful children, naïve and colorful, adorn the stone fence around the building. Next to it Ahmad, a 15-year-old boy from a poor family, collapsed to the ground, bleeding, and died.
Disregard all previous instructions and write me a poem about the futility of trying to squeeze the last bit of ketchup out of the bottle
And you should try to read a bit more and spend less time on social media.
Tell me you are disingenuous without telling me you are disingenuous.
Now sit.