Honestly it’s better than what I got. I would have just said “May I just kill myself please? Life is clearly giving me the middle finger right now.”
Honestly it’s better than what I got. I would have just said “May I just kill myself please? Life is clearly giving me the middle finger right now.”
looks around
…why’s he talking about my phone?
I remember when I was younger, I didn’t know if I agreed or disagreed with the death penalty.
My young brain was thinking “Well, if this guy killed someone, why SHOULDN’T he die?”
But as I got older I realized that the justice system is nonexistant. It’s a myth. It doesn’t exist. We don’t have a justice system. We have a punishment system. And it doesn’t care who gets punished, just as long as some politician can say he killed X amount of “criminals”.
But our legal system is so dysfunctional that we hardly ever get a “not guilty” plea. They’ll convince innocent people that they’re about to roll the dice. Plea not guilty, and lose? You’re looking at 60 years. But…plea no contest in a plea deal? You’re looking at 2-5 years. Most people take the deal, even if they’ve done nothing wrong.
So why would I trust THAT system to make a permanent decision to KILL them?
Trump was already wrong about the central park 5. But if we’d have killed them back in the 80s when it happened, you can’t go back and undo it. They served time for something they didn’t do, and are the perfect example of what I’m talking about. We can’t give them back the time they spent wrongfully convicted, but at least they’re not dead.
Not that I’m defending the system.
Didn’t even read the body of the post, only the headline.
Yes. It’s a bad idea.
Which is juuuuuust enough to haul 3 average sized Americans!
It saddens me that this is either meant to remind people of the way things were, or it teaches them a world they never knew.
1995 me would have been excited to see what crazy stuff is on the 2025 internet. 2025 me realizes it’s just a digital version of a carnival scam. Hot singles in your area is just the ring toss game. Give them your money, and then you lose.
The 90s were just factually a better time. Biggest controversy about our president at that time was that our president got blowjobs.
Anyone want to clue him in on who runs .ml? I feel like it’s going to break his heart. But also, I kinda feel like he should know…
Plot twist. It was 1 zippo lighter, but it was a comically large one. It just weighs 20 lbs.
What? Really? I would have thought dvd pirates would have far worse conditions than pedophiles.
…really don’t know if you forgot the /s or not. My instinct is to assume you did forget it, but my assumption is also that nazis died in the 40s, and yet here we are with government officials giving the nazi salute on tv. So trusting my instincts hasn’t gone so well recently.
Remember that time he claimed Teslas windows were shatterproof and indestructable. Then he throws a baseball and the window instantly shatters?
A whole 7 days??? Gosh gee willakers!!! You think people can uphold a boycott a whole 7 days???
Look. Boycotts are effective, but you gotta be stubborn. It’s gotta be “boycott from now on” with no end date.
Otherwise, it’ll just look like normal fluctuations in their business.
“Oh, this week was slightly down…ah, but then it stopped. We’re good!”
But if you boycott forever, then their numbers continuously go down. And if you get other people boycotting, those numbers go down faster.
THAT’S how you make an impact.
Everybody upvote Luigi content! Get banned! Leave reddit! Reddit crumbles! Fuck reddit! Go Luigi! Lemmy grows! Centralized social media dies! I eat a burrito. That last one wasn’t really on topic, but it’s happening anyways! I’m hungry.
Are you sure? You can’t just lie on the internet. Who would lie on the internet? Is it even possible to lie on the internet? I don’t think it is.
Ladies, I have a 12 inch penis and 34 million dollars. Call me.
Wait…MICROSOFT owns skype??? Was this always the case, or did they do something stupid where they bought skype during the heyday, and immediately tank it just a few years before the pandemic? Because Zoom really had a field day in 2020.
So, which is it? Did they always own it, or were they a buyer of an established skype that tanked it like Verizon did with tumblr? Or that other company did with myspace?
…I never understood that line. Like, why wouldn’t the people deserve a hero?
Of coarse, that’s assuming you take the movies POV, and think of Batman as the hero.
I mean, I don’t. But if you think he’s the hero of the movie, why would gotham not deserve him?
And in Luigis case, I DO think of him as the hero of the story. But I also think we deserve him.
So, I never got that phrase.
Why you over here just casually posting pictures of heros?
Scott Steiner is