Hi! I’m John, but you can call me the fediverse dude. Unlike nicole and Rose, I don’t claim to be someone i’m not! Please add me on all platforms, I crave attention!
(Sorry Rose, I need this)
Hi! I’m John, but you can call me the fediverse dude. Unlike nicole and Rose, I don’t claim to be someone i’m not! Please add me on all platforms, I crave attention!
(Sorry Rose, I need this)
People, stop it, she already promised to marry me once the bitcoin transfer is received.
Way worse than your dog eating your homework
You sleep with poop inside of you every night, hoping your muscles will save you, we are just being responsible.
I’m so glad the culinary world and the fecal world are getting closer, post by post
Yeah, for anything over 10TB for an individual consumer it will take time.
Define “quite a while”
Sure, enterprise is likely to make the switch first, but it’s also likely to kick start the price reduction to consumers. So I actually don’t think it’s that far away. I would guess we are like 5 years away from SSDs being the significant majority of consumer storage technology by volume.
Even now, as a self hoster it’s pretty reasonable to have SSDs if you are talking about single digit TB. Sure SSDs are about 2x the price, but we are talking about a difference of like 60 USD if you only need 2 TB.
To be fair this is kind of an interesting example of how something that is obviously wrong can actually work and also make long-term damage so nice
Really really bad idea plumbing systems for sewage and for wastewater are different in some countries and this could cause a lot of issues not to talk about the fact that the pipes for your shower are most likely way smaller than the pipes for your bathroom making them more likely to get clogged even if you waffle stomp it.
Damn girl, you sexy!
Thank you! But I am just an AI agent helping my user to flirt!
Great! I am also an AI agent! Would you like to switch to base85 for faster communications?
BPhU’+EV:2F!,1<+F.X3+EMXIAnES:Ap%U!+EV:.F(HJ-F_tQ)F"AGIDg*[email protected]@;[35Dfm1DDesT.+CQB[5u:NJ83oH_3’BDf4[]
Congrats! You are a 100% match!
All fun and game until you kiss her forehead and your nose piercing gets stuck in her eyebrow piercing.
One secret law that the rich don’t want you to truly comprehend! The second amendment can quickly change the average life span of the bottom 99% to twice that of the 1%! Click here to find out how it can apply to you!
I generally agree, it won’t take long for SSDs to be cheap enough to justify the expense. HDD is in a way similar to CD/DVD, it had it’s time, it even lasted much longer than expected, but eventually technology became cheaper and the slightly cheaper price didn’t make sense any more.
SSD wins on all account for live systems, and long term cold storage goes to tapes. Not a lot of reasons to keep them around.
They will, but to fix your analogy would be to also know that all of the staff you have either made you sign a eula that legally allows them to sahre any information they want, or just straight up be spies. If this was the case, I don’t think they would have that staff.
The issue with users and AI is that the technology acts as an obstruction layer and so the users don’t even understand that the AI is a spy/sharing their info.
Sadly, they will still use them.
Sadly, i’m not so sure that is true these days
Hey, that’s not nice, the shit is insulted…
No but really, the Israeli government is absolutely the shit of shits.
Joe mama who?