Translation from Spanish:
“Americans when they need to explain the terrible consequences of war: Ok imagine a McDonald’s…”
Translation from Spanish:
“Americans when they need to explain the terrible consequences of war: Ok imagine a McDonald’s…”
Don’t. Leave him in the past. You both still have feelings for each other, but that doesn’t mean it will work. It’s going to be like last time if not worse, because snowballing any issues from the first time into this hypothetical second time.
You deserve better. Mental health issues and being a social media hermit are no excuses. He probably didn’t mean to hurt you but he did, and will keep doing so over and over again until YOU set some boundaries.
Set those boundaries, send him away. This has nothing to do with your preference, just stay open and listen to what you want in terms of a partner. Beyond sex and gender you deserve to be treated fairly.
I’ve never heard of qt browsers, or servo/verso. I’ll give it a look, seems like I have a few rabbitholes to explore
I tried it and it seems I’m one of those people sensitive to the formula so after a few days I had bleeding gums and constant pain. I stopped using it and things went back to normal.
I tried two more times with different varieties, thinking perhaps I got a bad batch or maybe whatever irritates me wouldn’t be present in other sensodyne variety but no. Same results. Dentist said it happens to some people.