Wow you’re what a meme would have looked like in the 80’s.
Wow you’re what a meme would have looked like in the 80’s.
This is one of those few hard lines he could cross that would actually get me in the street. This, running for a 3rd term., probably something else too.
Trump seriously needs someone to explain to him that the whole point of pardons is that they cannot be un-pardoned.
Shows how untrustworthy the big companies are these days. We’re in JD Rockerfeller era Pt. 2.
So probably phishing attempt that OP thinks is actually from Windows?
Where are you seeing this? Doesn’t seem like a typical Windows prompt.
If it’s any consolation, Nicolas Cage starred in a movie about this.
It’s upsetting that government websites have less and less information.
Seriously. Fuck lawns. They’re so dumb.
German w/eyepatch Tom Cruise tried to assassinate Hitler, but it was unsuccessful.
“I’m driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, ‘George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.’ And I did, and then God would tell me, ‘George go and end the tyranny in Iraq,’ and I did.”
Somewhere in the settings you can have it boot to HDMI1 and you can skip that whole stuff.
He actually never did say this one. It’s a joke.
If no one has invented PedoCoin yet, that’s a million dollar idea waiting to happen.