I mean, that’s always kinda been the case. Plex uses their own infrastructure to do remote streaming
Only if you don’t configure your server properly. Then you use their infrastructure to punch a connection through.
Nope. I don’t talk about myself like that.
I mean, that’s always kinda been the case. Plex uses their own infrastructure to do remote streaming
Only if you don’t configure your server properly. Then you use their infrastructure to punch a connection through.
Sure but claiming that America, a net energy exporter would have cards held over them because of Saudi oil is a bit silly. America wouldn’t be as “touched” by this as you both seem to claim.
yes. windows xp was a fully local OS, and when you installed it, you stilled owned your computer. these things are not true of windows 10.
Yes you can? It’s windows 11 that tries to lock you out, and even then you can install it without internet if you know the magic incantation…
But windows 10 will just install with a local account if you don’t give it internet (unplug ethernet and never setup a wifi).
sure, and I could say you’re a chainsaw juggling pedophile lizard person who came from the future to make sure flavored foams don’t have a resurgence in upscale dining at any cost because the consequences, drawn out 200 years, are so much worse than fascism and several possible extinction events. saying shit is easy. doesn’t make it true.
The fuck? Any linux install will eventually become unsupported. That is my claim to counter your nonsense claim of Windows becoming unusable.
Go take your pills.
okay but windows will at some point become unusable.
Why would windows 10 magically become unusable? It’s not like Microsoft is going to send out a firmware brick at the EoL.
You know that you can still install XP today and get online… With minimal work you can actually get online completely on modern sites.
The same could be said for any linux distro.
Flying has required a Real ID-based identification for a little while now. Terry stops have enabled cops to stop and identify as long as a cop has “reasonable suspicion”.
There’s nothing to wake up before anymore. It’s been like this for a while… Long before Orange Man took office with terry stops starting in the 60’s, and real id being signed by congress in 2005 (though rollout has been slow).
The “registry rules” is just another thing that people skipping out on their visa’s will also violate… So I’m not sure what the point of that would be necessarily. But I don’t see why anyone would be up and arms about an attempt to track those who are overstaying the country they’re in. It seems reasonable to require a check-in for extended visas. The “best” thing it could do is identify those who intend to skip out a few months earlier which I guess could have some value… at the annoyance of creating check-ins for others.
The choice is hard because many charities already have a hard time maintaining what they have. To move to linux, they’d need people to know linux. Many volunteers that support this stuff simply don’t and are barely power-users themselves. I spend a good chunk of my day interacting with JUST windows users who have no idea how a computer actually works… they just know how to barely operate windows.
This is not a significant shift with how we are interacting with Google, it is a minor change.
Eh… Most people (Not the tech literate ones) interact with the internet nearly wholly using the Google search bar. To the point where many have NO idea where to put a URL in their phone to actually go straight to a website and often just google the url and click the first link.
For those people, this will be a significant shift.
Way to comment on something from over a year ago. And no nobody lied to me. I read the manifesto that Hamas publicly published.
“both sides should stop the violence and talk it through”
Hard to have a sit-down talk when one side (Palestine) outright says their goal is to kill all Jews and Christians.
You don’t need to use their infrastructure for remote streaming. If you forward the port properly and setup your server properly. You can actually outright disable the remote streaming through them by unchecking the relay option in settings…