Biden had his chance and squandered it by failing to build any trust with the voting public. We need a completely new generation of leadership and that includes house and senate leadership.
Biden had his chance and squandered it by failing to build any trust with the voting public. We need a completely new generation of leadership and that includes house and senate leadership.
We can do this the easy way or the hard way - not that a pressure campaign to reform the Democratic Party will be easy, but it’d be sure a hell of a lot easier than trying to primary them out or form a new party. We should try to change them but we need to prepare for every eventuality.
The fact is that nothing is going to change if we can’t change or replace the Democrats first.
We desperately need new blood in the Democratic party - people who understand how to actually work for working class voters and to communicate that and earn back people’s trust.
Joe’s a good man, but his brand of ‘actions speak louder than words’ does NOT work in the Trump era.