Orange sherbet was also a thing my step dad gave me, he’d always be excited to bring it home.
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Pronouns | They/Them |
Job | NYS Software Engineer |
Notice: This user is an employee of United States of America, New York State. All posts, comments, or statements are not representative or reflective of their position.
Orange sherbet was also a thing my step dad gave me, he’d always be excited to bring it home.
Did the blue make it taste like blueberries?
Whats the ripple?
Have you ever tried the bun?
What was your first memory of eating it?
Paying off my medical loans.
nope, mostly soy
some flavors yes
thank you! 💜
Thank you for entertaining my thoughts.
I tried to draw what I am imagining.
Does this help you see what I am thinking of?
Updated post title to reflect your knowledge, thank you!
I wish I was smarter in that field…
I don’t imagine it being the size of a car?
I imagine it being a huge facility, with a steam generator attached utilizing the coolant heat and more.
The pistons would be similar in size to the pistons of a diesel ship.
Take the “Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96-C” as example.
Thank you. The banner tells all. 😐
Thank you for explaining!
I understand the part of “punching left” and “purity test”.
But what do you mean by “NCD”?
May you elaborate on “authoritarianism in your profile”, I feel like that’s preventing me from understanding your perspective fully.
Yeah hold your horses there.
Genocide exported becomes Genocide imported.
The boomerang is coming back, and I’m a person fascists will put on the chopping block.
In the purged comment I also wrote that “people seeking to punish / attack LGBTQIA+ people is not Political Flavoring”.
Trans rights are Human Rights, Free HRT and gender affirming care for all.
What is it made of?