As is an autoimmune disorder
As is an autoimmune disorder
You’re also talking about a man who thought touchscreens were a bad idea.
I mean jobs hated the palm pilot and complained what a piece of shit it was, and then just forced people to make a better one.
What’s an anecdote of a single positive thing he’s done?
(You can’t use the Lisa because he pretended most of her life that this child he pretended wasn’t hers also wasn’t the namesake of the computer?
The cause goes the other way
Edit: Lol sorry not sorry, salespeople
Not musk, the entire silicon valley fake it and hope you make it mindset. Jobs opened the door for Holmes. Jobs opened the door for Uber to completely make up a business plan. Jobs opened the door to Elon buying “founder” status. His genius contribution is in making the tech industry the batch of lying scum it is today.
The man killed himself with stupid
All those features sucked when they first came out, not just bloom.
On the assumption you are just wayyy out of the loop rather than trolling, the tv show you’ll want to google is severance. It can be pirated wherever you get your shows.
And then one time I made my workers sit in a room with me when I hadn’t showered for 3 months!
That’s nothing, one time I forced my employees back to work in the middle of a pandemic and the government of California was so busy covering up it’s own crimes and pro-slavery views that they didn’t do shit.
It’s kind of an effort post. It’s also just a “imagine if this other concept took off, because it didn’t happen I can imagine an alternative history where it did take off” except the post doesn’t exactly imagine the outcome, just seems to say "like we should have done this thing in the 60s and we didn’t and look how bad capitalism is at making good things happen which is true but not an argument actually for anything.
Quora was at one point fine, it’s just like all such sites.
If “outsmart” is ignore people who know things because you believe you know everything…yes
A better description would be that he treated his body the way he treated his employees. Or he let himself believe his own reality distortion field. “Outsmart” is not the word I’d choose for a narcissistic asshole who thinks he knows better but in fact does not.
Glucose is only bad in the same way oxygen is bad. I think you need to rewatch your lecture.
Diabetics don’t have a problem with too much glucose they have an issue with too little insulin or insulin resistance
Or you can become president
You can literally just look on Wikipedia. Tim cook offered part of his, jobs said “nah I want a whole one from some poor person” and the rest is history.
“leadership” by which you mean being abusive to his colleagues and refusing to take a shower.
How about innie?
Weirdly a lot of overlap with people who work in HR
On the flip side, you require a steady supply of glucose into your cells to live.
Also I’m not gonna look it up to confirm but that ketoacidosis explanation sounds like a grave misunderstanding of what it is.