Playing with fire with that name, given Morrowind takes place on Vvardenfell. They just removed the V’s and changed a vowel.
Edit: Finally had a chance to watch the trailer after work, and noticed they are even using the Magic Cards font in their trailer, which is the same font used for all the text in Morrowind. Not that Bethesda owns the font (it was used by MTG before Morrowind), but could make it harder to argue the name is coincidental.
Playing with fire with that name, given Morrowind takes place on Vvardenfell. They just removed the V’s and changed a vowel.
Edit: Finally had a chance to watch the trailer after work, and noticed they are even using the Magic Cards font in their trailer, which is the same font used for all the text in Morrowind. Not that Bethesda owns the font (it was used by MTG before Morrowind), but could make it harder to argue the name is coincidental.
Especially with a company that once decided they owned “scrolls” in any video game title.