I saw it on a whim last week. It was a pretty decent movie.
I haven’t had the pleasure yet, but my shitty intuition is telling me this is a future cult classic.
Watched it yesterday and totally agree, Mark Ruffalos performance was a perfect out of touch elite.
Digitally also means Blu-ray. I’ve got my own theatre at home. And the picture and sound quality is much better too.
Read the books first!
Does the movie cover more than the first book?
Given that the movie has some references to rather specific news stories from the past year, yes, there are things not in the book in the movie, and those are some of the best parts.
Say goodbye to movie theaters
It’s a pretty good film, worth a watch if it’s the kind of thing you’re into
I definitely enjoyed watching it in theaters
Nice try Robert Pattinson
Will there be a Blu-ray UHD release?
Hell yea!
I can’t wait to legally acquire the physical UHD release! I definitely won’t be pulling the full blu-ray rip of it off Usenet or anything.
So, what’s the movie about, anyway?
Robert Pattinson dies a bunch of times. Also, Mark Ruffalo is Trump.