When you set up a chess board, the rule is “white to the right”. The bottom right square should always be white, then moving inwards, Rook, Knight, Bishop, King/Queen. The queen is fashionable, her dress always matches her shoes, so the queen always starts on the square that matches her color.
It’s all wrong.
Putin’s white queen doesn’t stand on a white field. Are Putin’s pieces black in disguise?
But Trump isn’t white either because his field for the queen is also not white.
They play a game that looks like chess, but it is something else.
But Putin’s white queen is on a white field? Am I missing something?
When you set up a chess board, the rule is “white to the right”. The bottom right square should always be white, then moving inwards, Rook, Knight, Bishop, King/Queen. The queen is fashionable, her dress always matches her shoes, so the queen always starts on the square that matches her color.
Correct. My mistake. The field where she is supposed to be is black though.
No. White queen is supposed to be on white field
This made me realise there is an error after all - the corner field where Putin’s closer rook is is supposed to be black.
So the queen is on the wrong field. The whole chessboard is mirrored.
Yes, correct. And the field should be d, the fourth field from the left.
The orientation of the board is wrong.
Oh, right! The left-hand corner should be black for both players. I.e. they’re playing sideways on the board.
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