Always amazing when people don’t get satire.
My Dad actually thought Starship Troopers was pro-military.
If you ask someone if they are Nazis, and their answer is to get confused and ask about the premise of the question, there is about a 90% chance they are Nazis. Non-Nazis will say, “What? No, definitely not.”
I would also accept “did you just call me a fucking nazi?”
I was briefly into 40k in the 00s, but once the 2010s started I slowly started getting an ick feeling from it but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
specifically, I was still cool with most of the lore, but the Imperium fanboys were getting to be unfun to be around. As I got older and wised up, I figured out around the same time many others did, that these same people just had a fascism fetish in general.
so with all that said.
Death to the false emperor Let the galaxy burn BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD
As someone who likes the Space Marines, but hates Nazis and understands that Warhammer 40k is satire, I’m greatly saddened by the Fascism fan boys in the community.
It’s quite simple really.
If they play the Death Korps of Krieg, who look like
they’re probably really nice people.
The funny thing is that they are closer to soviet ideology then nazi. It’s a pitty because if you understand 40k they are the poster boys for how fucked up and insane the galaxy is.