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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • I respect your opinion, and the fact that it differs from mine:))

    I think it very much depends on the game. Some reflex-based games most certainly compete, same with a lot of team-based games and story-focused ones. Some even excel at this, it all depends on the intention behind them. I can personally say that having played a lot of strategy and management games has helped me to develop palpable planning and management skills, of which I’ve made ample use while I held a Project Manager position, as an example.

  • I strongly believe that video games are underappreciated in just how much they help us develop certain skills.

    I’m talking long-term planning, resource distribution, tactics, hand-eye coordination, teamwork, skillset comprehension and task allocation based on it, language skills, interpersonal skills (ironically), and can even serve as a font of self-knowledge if one dives deep enough!

  • I was out with my friends once in my early twenties, drunk at the limit between “flying high on wings of booze” and “incoherent mass of sick and confusion.”

    There was this girl who kept catching my eye every time I saw her out and about, and this time she happened to be at the same dive as us. I finally decided to try talking to her, so I kinda’ awkwardly accosted her at the bar and I think I started pulling my “over-the-top intellectual” bit for a laugh.

    Somehow, it worked! We kept chatting (she was buzzed but significantly more sober than I was), we kept laughing, then she asked me to accompany her on an ATM trip after a while. Now, I’d completely lost my capacity for reading between the lines at this point, so I just took it as a generic action. About midway through the trip, she started pulling in very close to me, my current guess being that she had intended to try smooching. My drunk brain thought “oh, she must be feeling the drag, we need to keep her blood pumping.” So I called a race, last one to the ATM is a rotten egg.

    Again, surprisingly, she was into it! I could hear her giggling as I was pulling away. I was running like a madman, I could feel my legs moving by themselves. I was a beast, a high-performance machine, a force of nature! Almost started congratulating myself for being such an irresistible hunk, when suddenly I could feel the curb grabbing my left foot. I plunged forward, but luckily my stage fighting reflexes kicked in and I completely unexpectedly started doing landing rolls. I literally rolled the rest of the way to the ATM - about 4-5 meters, not kidding, I’d picked up some serious speed while galloping like a horse on coke. She won and was laughing her ass off, the alcohol inside me had been angered and my brain was oatmeal.

    I don’t remember many details after that. What I will say, though, is that it worked! Also, that I never again tried wooing or racing anyone while drunk.

  • I honestly think that has very little to do with being a femcel and pretty much everything to do with her grooming habits.

    The description fits a girl with whom I crossed paths during University, one of my exes’ roommate. I used to crash at my ex’s place quite a bit back in the day, so I naturally started interacting with the other people around, got to know her a bit.

    She was most definitely not a femcel, had a boyfriend for at least the time I was there (about one year, one year and a half), although I seem to remember her telling me that they had been together for several more beforehand.

    I swear I don’t remember ever hearing the shower/bath tap being turned on while she went to the bathroom - before anyone says anything about perving, you are welcome to come over here and try out our standards for soundproofing apartments 'round these parts, you’ll get what I mean.

    And she sure looked as though she didn’t bother with the cleaning too much. We’d see her wearing the same clothes for days which would smell faintly of spoilt vinegar (I have no better words for it), her hair would become… firm and plastic, and, while I normally prefer to mind my own plate, I couldn’t help but notice the utter disregard she had for any sort of grace. I vividly remember the four of us having breakfast one day as her boyfriend had cooking spells (cool guy, bit much on the smoke-y side, but he was chill, sociable, and had weed, so really can’t complain) and had prepared us sunny side ups.

    I swear, her hair was all over that damned yolk. Those eggs saw more hair than fork, bread and/or teeth that day. My ex and I could barely maintain our composure, her boyfriend was 100% and exclusively focused on the food in front of him, and she was chatting with egg yolk in her hair. Which remained there for at least the rest of the day.

    The worst of it was when both my ex and I caught some sort of bacterial infection or fungus from her from sharing a toilet… And we always disinfected the toilet with chlorine and gel before using it (except maybe when we got back drunk, or smth…), it was the first protip my ex had given me once I started hanging out there.

    And, to be clear, I know plenty of dudes who are just the same, shared a dorm room with one during my first year of Uni and threw him out during the second after a two-week ultimatum to wash his dishes, stop warming up vegetable soup in tin dishes on an electric top (the walls were COVERED), unclog the damned drain after taking a shower (he was the only one with long hair of the three in that room), and stop leaving used bandaids/dressings in the middle of the goddamned room, next to his bed - I shit you not, with blood and everything, one of his toes had a nasty infection or smth.

    So, yeah, this ain’t political and you shouldn’t even try to make it, it’s a run-of-the-mill stinky person, plain and simple…